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You can contact us any suitable way, via phone, email or visit our office.
You can contact us any suitable way, via phone, email or visit our office.
150 East Palmetto Park Road
Penthouse Suite 800
Boca Raton FL 33432
Click the icons [ ]below
Referred by our 1st Level Support team for inquires that require more research or if the inquiry is related to our OptiConnex payment gateway and/or 3rd party software.
Please fill out this contact form by clicking above for Bank Account Changes, Phone Number Changes, Etc.
Training and Technical Support available: 24 / 7
You may also use "Call Me/Click To Call" feature from the dashboard on the device.
For pricing or escaltions, please contact your Agent/RM by phone or emial. For one-off accounts that may be setup on a 3rd party platform or specialty software, please refer to your 'Contact Us" sheet for direct support information.